A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

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A juicer is a tool to extract juice from a fruit. Seeing as a games usually aren't fruit, this particular juicer instead aims to extract knowledge.

Upgraded from model 2000.

This game aims to explore the concept of Game Juice in an interactive way. Based on the excellence of Martin Jonasson and Petri Purho and specifically their talk Juice it or Loose it this game hopes to provide a tool for lecturers, students and hobbyists to use as an exploration of the concept of Juice.

When playing the game, the left and right arrow keys control the paddle. Space brings up the menu. R resets the game.

P does nothing. Do not press P.

Updated 11 hours ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Linux
Tags2D, juice, Short


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

PowerJuicer3000.exe 68 MB
Powerjuicer3000.x86_64 61 MB
Powerjuicer3000.zip 23 MB

Development log


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Fun little game, I love how expressive the paddle is!

On another note; the Linux version works well (tested on GNU Guix), but the Itch client complains about an unknown installer type, so I had to download it manually. I'd guess the client wants a zip file, as that's what I've seen others do.

Thank you for the feedback!
We have now added a zip file containing the Linux executable.

Nice! Tested it and it works well. :)